Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm ALIVE!!!

Okay, so I took a hiatus from blogging and when I did start, I only had three entries. Don't judge me. I can see your eyes rolling from the other side of the computer screen and I just don't like your tone very much :-).

But seriously, I am committing to adding to this blog weekly and directing people from my weekly emails so that I can tell, in the words of Paul Harvey, "The Rest of the Story."

Incidentally, tomorrow I hope to be writing about a special moment in my life this summer where God spoke, loud and clear. I've been keeping it to myself out of fear that if I share it it won't be my special moment with God. However, I think the message is relevant to us all and I am finding out that the one thing God is most clear on when we need to hear from Him is this, "HE LOVES US, HE'S WITH US, HE WANTS TO HOLD US AND HE HAS BEEN LONGING FOR US MUCH LONGER THAN WE HAVE BEEN LONGING FOR HIM." He's such a good and a gracious God and I am finally beginning to learn what it is to come to Him out of pure joy in worship instead of obligation.

Have a great rest of your Sunday.

Blessings, Courage, JOY!!!

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