Saturday, August 15, 2009

Love, Pure & Simple

I have to admit that I’ve been selfish lately. Several weeks ago I had a special moment with God that I thought about sharing, but I’ve been keeping it to myself as if sharing it would take something away from that moment. But then I realized, through several moments over the weekend, that someone else in our campus family needs to hear this message.

It was a month ago and I had escaped the valley for two days for a Spiritual retreat. I needed to take the time months ago, but I had been ignoring that inner voice calling me to come and rest awhile. So I finally did it, and I’ve vowed to make it a regular thing.

Though much happened during this time, one of my most special moments involved climbing up to the top of a nearby mountain (it was really a hill but that sounds less exciting) and asking God what message He had for me. And here it is, clear as can be, “This is my Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3: 17

Now, I hadn’t read that verse in a long time, but it was right there, plain as day, in my mind, and it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

One week later, having returned to the Valley, I was pouring my heart out to a mentor as I was struggling to remain grounded in my experience of the week before. As we prayed together, I was blown away by the first words that came out of his mouth. He said, “Father, remind Paddy that he is your son, whom you love, with Him you are well pleased.” Now, I hadn’t told my mentor anything about my mountain-top experience, and yet he quoted those exact words and I knew it was God telling me that whether you’re on the mountain-top or in the valley, I am in love with you. What a powerful message and one I needed to hear. What about you? Do you need to hear those same words from your heavenly Father? “This is my daughter, my son, whom I love. With him/her I am well pleased.”

I am always amazed that when I challenge students to sit and listen for God’s voice, those that hear it often hear the same types of things. Even if I asked them to pray for a vision for their ministry this year, or pray for direction in a situation, or pray for healing, they almost always come back with, “God spoke, and you know what He told me.” And I sit on the edge of my seat and say, “What?” With a smile as big as Texas they say, “He told me He loves me.”

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