Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living Jesus Pictures

Do you remember your first picture of Jesus? Mine was on a thick cardboard slab, about 18’’x24’’, that my parents had bought and put in my room. Jesus practically filled up the picture, but it had a light blue frame, tattered edges, and the universe behind Jesus. His hair was long but not neatly combed like so many other pictures. He wore the white robe and the red sash; he was particularly svelte and he had a slight smile on his face. When I was younger, I was nearly certain that His eyes followed me as I walked around the room. Through His face, you could see some of the stars shining through.

I still see that Jesus when I close my eyes to pray, and it comforts me, but I’ve had other pictures of Jesus. My high school algebra and geometry teacher gave me a picture of Jesus. This picture was full of passion for teaching, was willing to hang out with the bodies and the nobodies, and he was unashamed at the things he love; which included socks with sandals, animal ties, and crows (he did his master’s thesis on crows).

My Grandmother gave me another picture of Jesus. Hers was full of love and devotion for her family. Thirty years after the loss of her husband, she still talked of her love for him. She taught me about Jesus’ tender heart, and how He could love and show discipline at the same time

Then there’s the picture of Jesus my wife has given me. One of amazing beauty and unspeakable love for a fool like me.

Each of us has the opportunity to share a picture of Jesus with our family, our coworkers, and our students. We all need to see Jesus better, and my challenge to you is simply to consider what image you’re portraying and how that image will help others come to know their Savior even better?

It is my prayer that as we prepare for the start of the school year we could each spend time contemplating the image of Jesus through the pages of His word, “for as we do, we are transformed into His image (for the sake of others) with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3: 18) So go and be Jesus for someone today!

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