Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Turn Your Eyes

There we sat, at the beginning of our annual leadership retreat, but instead of giving out instructions and jumping into our schedule of planning activities, we started the way we really should have the previous two years…with prayer.

Around the circle were nearly 40 students that have answered the leadership call this year and will be serving in ASWWU, Campus Ministries, and Student Missions this year. We prayed for each other, for our roles, but then we had some time to simply reflect on the person of Jesus. It’s something refreshing and inspiring to do every day. To turn our eyes from the distractions of this world and onto the Savior. To see his hands-the wrinkles, the calluses, and the scars. To see His smile-the teeth showing through, the lines besides His eyes because He smiles a lot. To feel His touch-against a tear-stained cheek or on your shoulder as He assures you that He’s with you.

As I pictured Him, I saw three distinct images that will drive my ministry this year.
The first was of Him in the garden with His Father. He regularly took time to be with His Father in heaven. It’s what gave Him courage and strength for the day. I hope to spend time each day with my Father in the garden as well.

The second scene involved Jesus reclining at the table with His disciples. These were the few He developed a closer relationship with. The few that He taught. He lived with them, ate with them, taught them, and modeled to them a life on earth, as it is in heaven. My goal is to spend quality time with our Campus Ministries team to help nurture them, journey with them, and continually point them to Jesus.

The last scene had to do with Jesus traveling along the roads of life, meeting people along the way and taking the time to care for their needs. Jesus was a busy man, but He was never hurried. He always took time to care for the needs of those around Him. With the help of my leaders I will be taking time each week to walk the campus and be aware of the needs of those in my surroundings. Feel free to walk up to me and chat.
We can pray, hang out, you can talk and I can listen (I can do that you know ), whatever you need. I just want to be His hands and feet for our campus in hopes that you might go and do the same.

So when you close your eyes and picture the Savior, what do you see? What’s He calling you to do? I hope you’ll pray for me as I try to answer that call, and I hope you’ll know that I’ll be praying for you!

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